Friday, April 24, 2015

One way out.

When all the melt water travels from points north and flows into our lake, most of it has only one way out…..Bala.

There's a company that is going to put in a power plant here.

They're going to cut down all the trees and erect a building that at present, they're not letting the public know what it's going to look like.

Then they're going to blast away much of the granite.

And they get to own this land and adjacent Crown lands in perpetuity.

Click on the link for details and watch the video that was done a few months ago:


  1. Dang. Public outrage protests seems to be your only recourse. This post is one of few that makes me happy to be be here and not having to deal with The Crown and things like "in perpetuity", both affronts to free enterprise and the rights of common citizens. Of course we do have things like "right of way" that happens when the state gives permission for a highway or such and can take any lands in the way, giving what they determine to be fair market value. But, folks elect the people making these decisions and vote on said projects, still the little guy in the way loses out. So, we all have a way to go. The "in perpetuity " clause gives reason for sober consideration. If they decide a nuclear source of power is most feasible, since it needs water to cool and location near water is necessary, that would be most unfortunate. Protest in earnest dear northern neighbors, town meetings, letter writing campaigns, media events, and such and show the world what peaceful protest can accomplish.Seems we all need a role model in that. Even if you cannot get rid of them perhaps they can be strongly encouraged to abide by legally enforced limitations in use of the property.

  2. I don't like the idea that things can be forced on us...whether 'up there' or 'down here'....cause it happens here. more than we know.

  3. I should state that the term I meant to use in my post is "eminent domain" and not right of way. which may as well be per order of The Crown. Either way, the common person losses out for what someone perceives as for the good of all while the rights of the person are trampled. Rose: I agree. this happens no matter what democratic government we have in place, doesn't it.
