Friday, June 5, 2015

Tree Art

I was chatting with a neighbour about local arborists and suggested using a fellow who not only can fell trees but is also an artist.
Then quite by coincidence the same day, that fellow was nearby cutting and pruning another neighbours trees, so I stopped and got his business card.

His method of painting is pointillism, which is small dots of colour. Impressionist artists like Seurat and Signac used that method.

To advertise his tree cutting service, he has also applied his business card art to his truck.
It looks so cool when you see it on the highway. It's like the forest is driving by.

I think my neighbour ought to hire this fellow to cut down his trees and then have him paint his boat with the same art.
That way, when he goes out on the lake and disengages the muffler to give 'er, his boat will be cleverly disguised as the distant shoreline. Bwahahahahaha!

1 comment:

  1. oh, my goodness....this is so cool. Just think how long that takes.
