Wednesday, December 3, 2014


A few years ago, PetBoy decided to name a very tame Chickadee Todd.
Since most of the local Chickadees are tame and since they all look alike we call all of our Chickadees, Todd.

A group or flock are called a Banditry.
A Banditry of Chickadees
We just call a flock of them The Todds.

With my trusty little butt cam (the one that I keep in my back pocket) Todd posed for me this morning.

Freezing drizzle and impending snow squalls don't deter the fearless little Chickadee.

Nor does my standing so close. This little bird isn't fazed by my presence nor by Lucy's.


Here's a much better photo taken on one of David's cameras a year or so ago.

Such a sweet little bird.

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