Wednesday, March 11, 2015

Dump Chickens

At the town dump today there were lots of surprises.
Inside the Reuse Garage there were lots of nice looking chest of drawers, headboards and wood filing cabinets none of which I need but for someone furnishing a house, it was truly a treasure trove there today.

Out by the dump pit there were more surprises…gulls...or as we like to call them dump chickens. They're back which a sign of spring.

When the grader pulled close to them, they took off to the sky all squawking loudly making it sound like we were at the beach, or perhaps at Bird Shit Island.

There were plenty of Bald Eagles too but we didn't have the long lens with us to get good photos.

When we got home, another chicken sized bird was waiting in the Gazebo,  Mrs. Pileated Woodpecker.
Earlier in the winter the Pileated's were nervous when we approached but as the months progressed they have become less wary.

It's been so warm at least 2' of snow has melted in the past few days.
The lake is starting to look mushy especially along the shoreline.
The sap is running too so we may have the first boil tomorrow.

1 comment:

  1. Nice sightings...we have robins. I saw one just a bit ago...there was a Pileated woodpecker that was coming round here but haven't seen it in months.
