Thursday, March 19, 2015

Spring Break

Our grandchildren came up to visit us for a few days during their Spring Break. As always, there are plenty of things to do at "The Cottage" but never enough time to do them all.

We collected sap that was running for only one day but froze and stopped completely during the remainder of their stay, therefore we didn't get enough for a boil.

However they did manage to get their snow pants and mitts totally soaked in sticky sap.

We did lots of science experiments and of course we wore our safety goggles.

We did capillary action using neon food colouring and white roses, explored weight by making a lava lamp (vegetable oil, water, neon food colouring and alka-seltzer) and of course made volcanos using Diet Coke and Mentos which are always a hit no matter the age.

We did lots of baking and meal preps together too.

When I was a child I recall enjoying a Knickerbocker Glory when I visited my grandparents in England, so why not carry on the tradition?

Baking and decorating cookies is always fun.

We did all sorts of crafts like making stain glass windows, toilet roll deer and card weaving plus I taught Caitlin how to sew starting with very basic Swedish embroidery.

On outings we sought out 'tickle tummy' hills and decided the best one is near the Port Carling dump, visited the vet, went shopping at Stedman's (a.k.a The Mall) got water at the town pump by the "Toot-Toot" boat and checked out the lobsters at the local grocery store.

Fun times at the cottage.
Does life get any better?

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